- 2005 Annual Report
- View the 2005 Annual Report in its entirety. Use either the Table of Contents or bookmarks to navigate through the document.
- Introduction
- The introduction provides an overview of Alaska, information on population and demographics and an explanation of how vital statistics are collected and recorded.
- Births
- This chapter includes tables and charts showing numbers of births and rates by census areas and Native regional corporation boundaries; births by race, marital status, age, and education of mothers; prenatal care, place of birth, and birth weight.
- Fetal and Infant Deaths
- This chapter includes tables showing fetal and infant deaths and mortality rates by census areas and Native regional corporation boundaries; and infant deaths by selected causes of death.
- Child and Adolescent Deaths
- This chapter provides specific information on deaths to children from ages
0 through 19 years of age. - Deaths
- This chapter includes charts and tables on deaths by census area and Native regional corporation area; death rates, causes of death; and age, gender, and race of decedents.
- Adoptions
- The adoption chapter provides information on census areas and Native regional corporation boundaries where adoption decrees were granted, adoptions by age, and adoptions by race.
- Marriages and Divorces
- This chapter provides information on the number and rates of marriages and divorces by residence census areas and Native regional corporation boundaries, and divorces by type of decree.
- Appendix A: Definition of Terms
- Appendix A contains definitions of terms used in the annual report.
- Appendix B: Technical Notes
- Appendix B contains technical information explaining use of vital statistics and formula calculations.
- Appendix C: Mortality
- Appendix C shows ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes used in specific causes of death.
- Appendix D: Prenatal Care
- Appendix D explains the criteria for determining level of prenatal care.
- Appendix E: Year 2000 Health Objectives
- Appendix F shows several Year 2010 health objectives and the measures achieved for each in 2003 through 2005.
- Appendix F: Sample Certificates (Not available)
- Appendix G: Geographic Information
- Appendix H includes each village in Alaska and the census area and Native regional corporation within which it lies.
- Appendix H: Population Overview
- Appendix I includes population estimates for 2005 used in this report.
- Appendix I: Maps
- Appendix J includes borough/census area and Native Regional Corporation maps of Alaska.
Earlier online versions of the Vital Statistics Annual Report can be found at http://www.hss.state.ak.us/dph/bvs/data/default.htm. Libraries carrying earlier editions of the report in paper can be found at http://worldcat.org/oclc/22903418.
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