Thursday, June 14, 2007

Experimental Posting: "Precataloged materials" - AEA

As part of the Alaska State Publication's Program effort to discover new documents, we do some spidering of state agencies on a monthly basis. This gives us a list of "newly added files" that may or may not be documents. In many cases we actually have to look at the files to determine whether or not they are documents. Then we check our catalog to see if they are available in paper. So some time may pass between the time a new document is posted by an agency and we're able to determine whether it is a document we haven't seen before that we need to catalog.

So in the hopes of giving interested parties more timely notification of new documents and to demonstrate what we get out of spidering, we will start posting list of items that have been identified as documents, but not yet checked against our catalog.

We start with the 2007 "newly added" items from the Alaska Energy Authority:

STATISTICAL REPORT Of The POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Fiscal Year 2006 July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006

Rural Energy Conference Proceedings

We will post other agencies as we process them. Please let us know whether you find this "precataloged" service helpful or a waste of your time. You can either comment here or send an e-mail to dan DOT cornwall AT alaska DOT gov.

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